Connect to Wifi

The Raspberry Pi Model 3B has built-in 802.11n wireless network card, which means you can connect to internet over wifi. For all other model, you may purchase a USB wifi dongle.

The wifi network is controlled by wpa_supplicant, edit the file with the following command:

  • sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

Enter the network detail as the following format at the end of the file:

  • network={
  •     ssid=”<wifi SSID>”
  •     psk=”<wifi Password>”
  • }

Note that the quotation marks are compulsory. Save and exit nano, then restart wireless service by the following command:

  • sudo ifdown wlan0
  • sudo ifup wlan0

You should be see the IP address on “ifconfig wlan0” under inet address. If not, check your SSID and password.


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