After the system is installed, insert the SD card to the Raspberry Pi, connect other devices such as mouse, keyboard, monitor and Ethernet cable, we’re ready to boot by plug in the power supply.
There is no on/off button on Raspberry Pi, unlike traditional PC. The Raspberry Pi will automatically boot once it’s connected to power.
After a long booting screen, the command line is ready for us. Raspberry Pi has graphical user interface (Desktop), but it’s not turned on by default.This tutorial is focus on command line, however we can enable desktop by type in “startx”, or we can use raspi-config to allow desktop starts automatically.
If you don’t have a monitor and would like to remain headless, you can access Raspberry Pi by SSH. This is discussed in the later post.
Raspi-config is a basic config tool on Raspbian, and it can be accessed by command:
sudo raspi-config
A new screen will pop out. Move the cursor by arrow and select by enter. There are a few things we must configured for first time use.
First, we need to expand file system. Simply hit on Option 1 and wait for the scrolling. This will allow all space on the SD card is allocated to the system.
Second, change the password on Option 2. Again as you type in your password nothing will be shown, but it will be recorded.
Third, go to Option 4, and change all settings under it to your own locale and timezone, except for keyboard layout.
If you’re using Raspberry pi 1 or 2, also turn overclock on to 1GHz, that’s Option 6 – Select Turbo. If you’re on Pi 3 or Pi Zero, overclock is not available as it’s already fast enough.
After these steps, hit on tab and choose finish, then reboot.
We’ve done on basic setup, and moving forward to softwares.